Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Nokia Test - Are you doing SCRUM?

One of the most popular methods to understand if a team is doing SCRUM or not is through the use of what is called “Nokia Test”. It is a very simple yet very strict test and almost 80% of teams who claim to be doing SCRUM do not pass even Level 1.

Here is an overview of the test:

- Iterations must be time-boxed to less than six weeks / Do your sprints start and end on planned dates
- Is the software completely tested and working at the end of an iteration
- Can the iteration start before specification is complete

- Does the team know who the product owner is
- Is there a product backlog prioritized by business value
- Does the product backlog have estimates created by the team
- Does the team generate its burndown charts and knows its velocity
- Does the team have outside people disrupting the work of the team during the sprint

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